Kamis, 12 November 2015



Trenggalek is one of the districts in East Java. Many of Trenggalek delicious culinary namely rice may gegok friends wondered what it Gegok, his name is a little odd and perhaps first heard it. Rice Gegok is original culinary Psychology, particularly in the district of the dam, but the food is like rice cake shaped like a cat rice. Basic ingredients such as rice, grated coconut, chilli or anchovies. Gegok rice will be very enjoyable when consumed at the very moment plus fried spicy tofu or tempeh. Size, not too large so usually one person can consume two or three packs. Gegok rice are sold in traditional markets in tenggalek, especially at the dam. But friends also can create their own with ease. Gegok price is quite cheap, only Rp 1500 rupiah a pack, it is very affordable for students. I dream of a time rice bias gegok go international as well as fried chicken, with more variety of flavors and spiciness size options. Tiwul rice is also included in the typical food trenggalek. Nasi Tiwul based on cassava. Crispy tempeh is also very well known as a typical food from Terri and much more. Cultures in Psychology is also very diverse one is Net Dam Bagong (nyadran)
Still in the Javanese calendar Selo, every Friday POND farmers from 11 villages in the district of Psychology and Pogalan which fields get water from Bagong Dam Dam Bagong implement Clean ceremony. Aside from being an expression of gratitude to God Almighty, the ceremony was also to commemorate the initiators of the construction of Dam Bagong services, namely Menak Sopal.this story in the mid-sixteenth century, Menak Sopal very concerned to see the rice farmers always drought and crop failure. Then he invites the public to raise water Bagong time by making Dam. However, the hard work is always fail - every once completed, the Dam runtuh.From wangsit obtained, Dam should be victimizing white elephant. With a variety of efforts, the White Elephant Menak Sopal successfully obtained and used as victimizing Dam this.Now, in any memorial Net Dam Bagong sacrificed a buffalo instead of the white elephant. After slaughter, the head and the buffalo meat was thrown into "Kedung Kali Bagong" and people trooped to throw themselves into the river to scramble the head and the meat. This event was followed by ruwatan Puppet with Mintoyo Udan story as well as a pilgrimage to the tomb of Menak Sopal commonly visited. Yakso Turonggo Jaranan dance culture is one other cultures owned by Terri. Culture is initially carried out by the district community Dongko, commonly called Baritan. Named Baritan, because this art is done "dissolved ngarit tanduran" or after work in ladang.Then, since the 1980s, by the village head Dongkos itself, the culture was named a distinctive culture of Terri city, with the name Turonggo Yakso. Jaranan Turonggo Yakso dance tells the story of the victory of villagers in distress or insolence repel that attack his village. This dance is always performed every month of Suro, the Javanese calendar, and has been determined by a handler or sesepuh.Waktu ceremony is done during the day at 11.00, where the first process begins with the gathering of farmers carrying equipment offerings, as ambeng and longkong, and rope made of bamboo, which is commonly called Dadung.
Characteristic of Psychology
Whether you've been to Trenggalek? Is my friend already knew Terri? This is my question to ask it to Anda.Kalau Trenggalek probably already know you already have a distinct impression Terri itu.Disini how I would describe the uniqueness in the NESS Psychology.
Terri Not famous.
Maybe if in wonder Terri is still much to lay and perhaps many are dont know.but Asked if Prigi beach that's actually much Tahu.Ya Psychology.
The town is surrounded by mountains.
This is the uniqueness Terri that I sukai.it is town surrounded by mountains that are terhubung.Jadi City Trenggalek position in the middle-tengah. Kab.Trenggalek most Wilayangnya is mountainous.
Typical food Alen-alen.
Aleh alen is a light meal made of cassava that if such a ring in yellow continues on goreng.Ya that the alen-alen-alen alen.because itself were the result works produced in trenggalek.maybe still many other typical food but only alen-alen very had to its own uniqueness.
Birthplace Supriyadi.
Do you already know Supriyadi? Supriya is a national hero in the era sukarno.Supriyadi be Kontroversianal the colonial period because yes is in fear by Belanda.dan until now Supriyadi not clear dimana.Makamnyapun now not known where.
Tiwul food.
Have you ever eaten name Tiwul? Trenggalek never won the title because Tiwulnya most delicious meal in Indonesia.
The road has Xtrem No. 2 in eastern Java.
Munjungan are districts in the south trenggalek. but kec.munjungan itself is rata.but that has uniqueness is the way to get there is Xtrem.but you ever to munjungan you will be able to describe themselves how the road will be there.
Trenggalek language.
Terri has a characteristic that is not the language in the Regional NESS lain.Yang most common is the word Nyatuke and many other languages ​​...
Menak Sopal.
Who menak sopal itu.Menak sopal is the founder of the first times.And Trenggalek city to honor his work the word "marvelous sopal" made the stadium in Psychology

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